Cole Tanner
This is my son Cole. He is soooooo cute. I just love him to death. He wakes me up in the morning with his little googeling noises and smiles and lauphs when he first see's me. Cole is a cuddely little ball when he is tired, but when he is awake watch out. He can be a handful he can crawl at the speed of light and gets into everything. Just ask his sister, the other day I asked her to watch him while I took a shower and when I came out she kept screaming stop don't touch that. I came in and saw her taking something out of his hand. Then he turned around and picked something else of hers up. She was so mad she wouldn't let him in her room for a day.
Cole loves Thomas the Train cars. He was always playing with them at Barnes and Noble and Toys R US. He recieved his own Thomas the Train set and cars from me and his Aunt frelly. He loves them like crazy along with any other toy that make alot of noise.
He is such a cutie sunny. I'm glad that you finally joined so many others and got a blog. You need to put more stuff up there.
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